Universiteit van Amsterdam
The University of Amsterdam (UvA; founded in 1632) with more than 3,000PhD researchers, 6,000 employees, 32,000 students, and an annual budget of €850million is one of the world’s intellectual hubs. The UvA has been awarded the HR Excellence Logo by the European Commission. The UvA is consistently ranked among the world’s best universities, that is, 58th worldwide and 1stin The Netherlands (QS World University Rankings). The UvA Faculty of Science provides an excellent international research environment and fosters collaborations and idea-exchange between its different programs. It has a student body of around 6,500, as well as 1,700 members of staff working in education, research or support services. The Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics (KdVI) is organized in four core programms, each comprising several projects and subprogramms.