BT Wireless
BT Group is theUK’s leading provider of fixed and mobile telecommunications and related securedigital products, solutions and services. We also provide managedtelecommunications, security and network and IT infrastructure services tocustomers across 180 countries. BT Group consists of three customer-facing units:Consumer serves individuals and families in the UK; Business covers companiesand public services in the UK and internationally; Openreach is anindependently governed, wholly owned subsidiary wholesaling fixed accessinfrastructure services to its customers - over 650 communications providersacross the UK.
BTGroup has a long and distinguished record in the research and development offuture ICT technologies, and we are always keen to identify and supportpromising scientific concepts and technologies as they emerge. We firmlybelieve in the importance of investment; to develop ICT researchers forleadership excellence and cutting edge programmes to contribute towardsachievements of long-term fundamental research and technological innovation.